Welcome to the Anniston Water Works & Sewer Board Payment Portal
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Make a one-time payment or enroll today to set up your secure user name and password, view and pay bills, and see your account status and payment history.



Please enter your Account Number and Phone Number on your statement to make a One-Time Payment. Your Account Number can be found in the upper-right corner of your statement. We have established a maximum payment amount of $200.00 for all payments made through this payment portal.

NLC Service Line Warranty Program

For more information on this program or to enroll, please visit SLWA's web site at www.SLWofA.com

Consumer Confidence Report

If you would like to review our Water Quality Report, please click here
Please include the dash in your AWWSB account number. Ex. 10012345-001
Enter phone number WITH DASHES as listed on statement (ex. 256-555-5555)
Enter your password.